Monday 25 April 2011

my role

my role in the meeting was chairman my  job was to control the meeting and have everything prepared and knowing each person role

in the start of the meeting i thanked everyone for being here on time and i interduce them to each other and gave each person what role he will take in the meeting khalid was the note taker, hamdan and mohammed was the particpating we talked about gender integrated and what do we think and suggest for college if we had gender integration. Mohammed totally disagree but hammdan was understanding of the need of the integration so is khalid but i tried not to take part in the dicussion and tried to let them choose if its good or bad idea for the college and khalid came up nice ideas

we came up with three suggestion for the college first idea is to make strict rules between boys and girls. Second idea was to put camera around the college so students feel more safe, Last idea is to divide the class between girl and boys for eaples we put girls in the back and boys in the front or left and right

in conclusion the meeting run smoothly and in my opinion it was a great idea and we decided that khalid will take and follow the sugesstion to the college

1 comment:

  1. Fahad:

    Next time get your work in at the deadline - and be more careful with your writing.

