Wednesday 8 June 2011


In the end of this semester I should talk about the thing I learned from this subject. I have learned allot of thing that going to help me not only in studying but in my future career  things such as writing report and how to organize meeting and making presentations and what made this subject so interesting is Mr. John Vrhovnik he made this subject so interesting and easy

I am was happy to have Ms.John because he improved not only my communication in English skills but also the way I think in allot of thing and the best way to organize my life because he connected the thing that we learn in class such as organizing and preparing for meetings to life so that helped me a lot to organize my daily life swell  and making presentation and how could we overcome our fears talking in front allot of people and also improve our  presentation skills like attitude, body language, voice, eyes contact, hands motion that also helped me allot in life since I started working and made some present some of my ideas in a very professional way which made them take it more searsly  

in conclusion I'm so happy to be part of Ms Jone class because I believe he is a key part of what made this subject so interesting and easy to learn and most important increased our well of improving our self while performing in front of camera and I wish thank him for everything because he been more than just a teacher to all of us

final presentation

Our group consisted of myself, Khalid Hassan, Mohammed Humid and Hamden. We gave a presentation about Raising sea level in class T005 at 3:10 pm. Khalid started the presentation by introducing us and describing the problem generally as an introduction. After him Hamden spoke about arctic melting after him I spoke about raising sea level and at the end, Mohammed.

Khalid part was interdiction he was suppose to introduce the group and each member part and give a main idea what the audience will hear in the next 30 minute. Khalid had developed some of his technique in speaking and hand gesture he was more confident while he speak didn't move a lot like last time and wasn't stopping and losing hat he should talk about and mostly he was talking to the whole audience not focusing in 1 person

finally, what we end up in is a very happy ending each person in the group had looked very carefully to his mistakes and improved him and i am very happy for all my class mate not only my group because we had seen a big improvement

Monday 25 April 2011

my role

my role in the meeting was chairman my  job was to control the meeting and have everything prepared and knowing each person role

in the start of the meeting i thanked everyone for being here on time and i interduce them to each other and gave each person what role he will take in the meeting khalid was the note taker, hamdan and mohammed was the particpating we talked about gender integrated and what do we think and suggest for college if we had gender integration. Mohammed totally disagree but hammdan was understanding of the need of the integration so is khalid but i tried not to take part in the dicussion and tried to let them choose if its good or bad idea for the college and khalid came up nice ideas

we came up with three suggestion for the college first idea is to make strict rules between boys and girls. Second idea was to put camera around the college so students feel more safe, Last idea is to divide the class between girl and boys for eaples we put girls in the back and boys in the front or left and right

in conclusion the meeting run smoothly and in my opinion it was a great idea and we decided that khalid will take and follow the sugesstion to the college


Our meeting starts on Date 13 March 2011. We had started at 2:20 afternoon, and it ended at 2:40 afternoon. In ADMC – Room W104. Our topic was College gender integration. Our meeting participants was Fahad AlKendi the leader, Khalid ALMarzouqi the note taker, Hamdan Albraiki and Mohammed ALRumaithi are members.
We talked about if integration agenda is a good idea for the college or not and how will it affect the student life. Secondly, we discussed how we could prepare student for that, and what the steps are. In additional, we talked about the student families’ reaction about integration. Finally, we came up with few solutions to make the integration something easier and acceptable.
We had get out in few solutions such as, put a lot of cameras to watch and cover the college to make the college a safe place for both gender. The integration gender is a good thing for HCT. It encourages the student to work harder with Competition between boys and girls. We could we prepare the student to accept gender integration and reduce the disadvantages of it. We will take the recommendation to student council and Mohammed will follow